RGB vs. DRGB: What’s Best for Your Gaming PC?
6/23/2021 8:24 AM
There can be some confusion around these terms. It's easy to see many different names such as RGB, Addressable RGB, and DRGB. What are the differences, and which is the best for your build? These questions are precisely what this article will help you discover. Let's start with the basics.
What is RGB?
The name itself is simple, as RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue. As most gamers know, these three different colors can be mixed to create seemingly infinite combinations of colors.
When you choose the color you wish to display on your LED from your RGB controller, it automatically increases and decreasing the brightness of the three primary colors, so all your LEDs display the chosen color – for example purple.
Whilst RGB strips do add some flare to your Gaming PC, RGB strips are quite simple in design, meaning that you can only choose a single static color for all the LEDs no matter the length of the LED strip. You can swap colors at any time, but it limits your customization options.
If you’re after some really mind-blowing color combinations and lighting effects, then digitally addressable RGB (DRGB) lighting is a game changer, which is why it's included as standard with every EK Fluid Gaming PC.
Digitally Addressable RGB
DRGB is similar to traditional RGB because it uses red, green, and blue LEDs to create color combinations, but with one big difference.
Digitally Addressable RGB (DRGB) allows you to color each LED individually, rather than choosing one static color for the entire LED strip, meaning you can go full rainbow unicorn with your Gaming PC.